
Trauma-Informed Yoga / Yin Yoga / Yoga Nidra / Yin Yang Yoga / Journal + Yoga

Coupling yoga with a great read.


“You are by far one of the greatest teachers to ever cross my path in life. In the short time, I’ve known you you’ve touched my soul in ways that no other has!” – Megan

“I started practicing at a difficult stage in my life, and one of the instrumental teachers I’ve had has been Heather. She will guide you through a demanding practice, while at the same time send your mind and heart on a voyage of transformation.”  – Adolfo

“You will always have a special place in my heart. Thank you for being a comfort during a rough patch in my life, even if you were unaware of it.” – Diantha

San Diego Yoga Festival, 2018


Our favorite vinyasa class of the day was with Heather Foat, featuring live music by DJ Mango.  We loved the playlist and the flow, but the best part of this class was Heather herself.  

Heather currently works at UCSD Psychiatric Ward and Senior Behavioral Unit, helping patients who are suffering that are suicidal, depressed, and anxious through yoga.  She has worked in recovery homes and has served as an Ambassador for Yoga Across America, which brought yoga to under-served communities and high schools.  

Inspired? So were we.  

But she didn’t just have the credentials, her class was lively, engaging, and savasana worthy.”

-Nikita Mehta, Culture

The Station, Newcastle – Beer + Yoga

“Yoga does not transform the way we see things. It transforms the person who sees.” -B.K.S. Iyengar