“Heather Foat you are an amazing person who changes our world by way of your yoga teachings, your therapeutic use of self, your music, your knowledge, your love and light spirit, and understanding/willingness to transform others as you have transformed yourself. You are not only a yoga teacher but also a life coach.” -David, Registered Nurse UCSD In-patient Psychiatric Unit (NBMU)
Since becoming certified in 2010 in California, I have had the pleasure of teaching for the past 12 years. I’ve taught not only in yoga studios, but as well as drug recovery programs, psychiatric wards, and mental health facilities.
I now reside in Newcastle, Australia, and currently lead trauma-informed yoga classes for women that have experienced trauma, grief, and adverse life events.
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Work experience & accomplishments
- Steve Irwin’s Ship4Good event, July 17 & 30, 2022, New South Wales, Australia
- Trauma-Informed Yoga for Women, October 2021- present, Newcastle, NSW, Australia
- Psychology One: Private 4-week Group Yoga Series for Psychologists & Clinical Social Workers, June 2021, Kotara, New South Wales, Australia
- The Art Social collaboration: Yoga & Paint & Drink @ Souths Merewether, December 2020 & February 2021, New South Wales, Australia
- Psychology One: Gentle and Trauma Sensitive Yoga. 4-week series, November 2020 & February, May, & August 2021, Kotara, New South Wales, Australia
- Hunter Primary Care, bi-weekly yoga, November 2020- present, NSW, Australia
- Love Parenting: Private Community Workshops, November 2020 & January 2021, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
- Newcastle’s Health & Fitness Festival, Co-Founder, October 2019, NSW, Australia
- Beer + Yoga @ Souths Merewether, 2019- 2020, New South Wales, Australia
- Beer + Yoga @ The Station, 2018- 2019, New South Wales, Australia
- Integrated Living: Regional Aged Care, Volunteer, November 2018- July 2019, Raymond Terrace, New South Wales, Australia
- Crestwood Behavioral Health, Independent Contractor, 2017- 2018, San Diego, CA
- UCSD Hospital Psychiatric Ward and Senior Behavioral, Contractor, 2016- 2018, San Diego, California
- Channel 4, Smarter San Diego: Spiritual round table guest, 2016 & 2017, San Diego, CA
- Mastering Mindfulness Program collaboration with Master of Human Nutrition, Gina Worful, MS, RD, June 2017 & April 2018
- San Diego Yoga Festival, Headline teacher, California, 2017 & 2018
- News 8 CW guest, 2017, San Diego, California
- Taking Control of your Diabetes Conference 2016 & 2017, Chair yoga teacher, San Diego, California
- Association for Surgical Education Medical Conference 2017, Chair yoga and meditation, San Diego, California
- United Nations Day of Yoga 2017 Presenter, San Diego, California
- ESPN 1700 AM Women’s Power Hour Guest, 2016, San Diego, California
- Wrote the foreword in Nourish: the beginner’s guide to staying healthy and fit by Christi Silbaugh, 2015
- Pura Vida Yoga Teacher Training 200-hour Mentor, 2015- 2016, San Diego, CA
- Girls Urban Yoga Academy (GUYA), Founder, 2012-2013. Weekly yoga + art play therapy for girls ages 9-11, Sacramento, Calfornia
- Community Addiction and Recovery Association, Yoga Teacher, 2012- 2013, Sacramento, California
- Men’s Salvation Army, Drug rehab, Power Vinyasa Teacher, 2010- 2011, Sacramento, California